The importance of employer branding in recruiting young talents

Employees are a company’s greatest asset

Employer branding lets organizations flash their reputation to draw new potential employees
and retain current young talent that ensure the success of the organization and even customers
through various multi-digital channels. The company’s vision, company values, and mission
statement are all connected with the organization’s branding to let people understand what the
organization depicts. A firm and creative employer brand will get larger quality employees
in recruitment and communication through a robust online brand aspect. The new generation
of talent presents needs such as authenticity, transparency, spontaneity, and a clearly defined
reason in order to attract young talent, organizations should take into consideration the image
of the organization that reflects the needs and desires of this category.

Why is employer branding important in recruitment?

Establishing a positive employer brand is not an easy task. It takes a very long time to state
and position the organization as a place where extremely talented candidates will want to and
will be looking forward to working. But if one copes to do so, one will be able to reach the
goals that they are currently struggling with. Employer branding in recruitment is important
and necessary these days because:

1. It helps one engage in the war for talent

When recruiting for a smaller company with fewer employees, the competition for talented candidates is quite fierce. By building a firm and strong employer brand, it’s practical to attract apt candidates. The best way to level up the playing ground in the battle for perfect talent especially when hiring young, talented professionals.

2. It helps retain the best employees of the organization

A strong employer brand accelerates the productivity of employees and lets them feel
confident and happy. These become brand ambassadors who tell their talented friends how
much they cherish working for the company, and they’ll refer to such candidates. Another
way is that they can leave positive reviews online, and provoke other talented candidates to

3. The employees become the company’s “influencers”

Productive employer branding inspires current and potential employees. If employees are
satisfied, referrals are more likely to come in with very less recruiting work.

4. Improves overall candidate and employee engagement

A professional and communicative approach to employee engagement is always an add-on in
recruiting. An organization’s brand always starts with better communication and


To sum it up, employer branding cannot start with the recruiter; it starts with the first-hand
facts candidates see on the website, the social media messaging, first outreach, etc.
Employer branding in recruitment sets aims to draw potential employees to the organization
with excitement, motivation, and inspiration with the employer’s mission and values. It’s
worth the investment. Missing out on one more potential talent with poor employer branding?
KRElixir can help you with your employee branding. Contact us!